Several features give this away. The first is the "architecture" of the rose gold border. Linear incised indentations move around the collet and tiny pinches or flatted beads of gold are raised all along it, holding this marvelously, tactile agate.
Two pins of gold at near the top and bottom of the heart hold it fast. On the reverse, note the thin, long tubular hinge, and "C" shaped clasp and protruding pin, all fittings in 10k.
The agate's surface, akin to clouds in the sky, is mostly translucent. Holding it up to the light, it is easy to detect the depths of the agate's wavy, evocative forms.
A veritable Rorschach test, what do you think the formations look like? Their color is ranges from salmon, or pale creamy coral, amidst milky pale pinks, with touches of rust and hints of warm brown.
Large for its type, it measures over 1 1/2 inches without the pin stem and feels like a baby's cheek it is so soft.